Buying influence (and content)

Charlotte Williams, who runs diversity-focused influencer marketing agency SevenSix as an antidote to under-representation in the industry, explains how micro-influencers can help new brands create content without spending a fortune.
Charlotte Williams of SevenSix agency_16x9

‘Influencer marketing has become an integral part of the marketing mix – 86% of marketing teams added it to their strategies in 2020. Due to Covid, we’ve seen consumer habits change and marketing budgets cut but, if anything, the pandemic has proven that influencers are a cost-effective way of reaching new customers and creating affordable content. 

‘Influencers get a lot of stick, but over lockdown they became an asset to brands in unexpected ways. With studios closed and brands unable to shoot their latest products, influencers and content creators filled the gap with their at-home studios. What was previously done by a full team of photographers, stylists and makeup artists on location at a pricey venue was often taken on by an influencer at their home, saving so many brands time and money. It’s a trend that will continue. 

More: Hear our Courier Weekly podcast conversation with Charlotte here

‘Instagram influencers who have less than 100k followers (called micro-influencers, whereas nano-influencers have less than 1k) spend time honing their social aesthetic, learning photography, videography and editing skills – but they’ve hardly been used to their full potential until this moment. I’ve seen lots of influencers provide product photography and modelling for a minimal fee – while also promoting content. 

‘And when it comes to promoting products, a bigger following isn’t necessarily better. While locking in an influencer with a huge following may sound appealing, we’ve also seen some nano-influencers’ posts lead to higher sales than their counterparts’ hundreds of thousands of followers. The reason? Smaller communities tend to be more loyal and trusting.’

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