How to manage your relationship with money

How money affects our mental health needs constant monitoring – maybe no more than ever. Alexandre Holder, author of ‘Open Up: The power of talking about money’, offers advice.
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1. Don’t avoid it

‘As much as you might want to avoid your bank balance right now, you can only make good decisions if you know your incomings and outgoings. Looking at your bank statements shouldn’t feel like visiting a crime scene.’

2. Track mental health

‘From daily anxiety about future security, to the relief when an unpaid invoice comes in, money affects how we feel. Understand, and track, how your finances affect you: from sleep deprivation to eating habits. It’ll mean you’ll be more likely to get ahead of issues before they arise.’

3. Talk about it

‘There are huge benefits to opening up – be it finding out how a friend paid off their debt, or working out what your day-rate should be. Having regular, casual chats about money will give you the vocabulary to advocate for yourself when chasing invoices or negotiating.’

4. Don’t compare

‘Social media means we can compare our lives with a celeb in Hollywood or tech entrepreneur in Silicone Valley. We pit ourselves against the veneer of a perfect life, and wonder why we feel sad about the reality of our own baked potato or recent rejection at work.’

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