‘My father and grandfather started their fish wholesale business in Newlyn in the eighties. That family experience has created an obsession that's drawn me to fish markets, fishing towns and seafood restaurants all around the world,’ says founder Rich Adams.

One of Argoe's signature dishes is whole grilled megrim sole. The fish is placed on the grill just as the fishermen pull it out of their nets – head, tail and fins intact, so that diners can enjoy each part of the fish.

‘Sourcing sustainably, locally and seasonally [is] the minimum any restaurant should be committing to. We should continuously challenge our practices to ensure ours [are] net positive on the communities and environments around us,’ says Rich. One of Argoe's local suppliers is Nancealverne Market Garden, run by Becky Martin.

Isolated on a wild and beautiful part of the coast, Newlyn has access to rich fishing grounds, so it's the perfect setting for a restaurant celebrating seafood. Argoe's staff often swim after work on the beach beside the harbor.

This article was first published in 100 Ways to Make a Living 2022. To purchase a copy or become a subscriber, head to our webshop.